EME Power Systems Quarterly Update

As with every business the last three months for EME Power Systems has been dominated by the Covid-19 pandemic. As a company that carries out vital and essential services to support the safe and continued supply of electricity to large commercial and industrial consumers, suspension of our business has never been an option for us and in fact not one of our full time staff has been furloughed. Instead we have had to adapt our working methods in order to continue with our operations through the pandemic.
All of our office based engineering staff have now returned to a revised office layout; the period of home working having been used to good effect to allow office alterations to be implemented to facilitate safe, social distance working on return to work – each now have their own office from which they can work. An enhanced cleaning regime has been introduced following a review of our procedures with our cleaning contractors too; all work surfaces, door handles, light switches etc also receiving interim disinfecting throughout the working day. To ensure that our staff are kept safe from the risk presented by visiting customers and supplier, we also have several infrared thermometers with which to check people’s temperatures.
The need to be Covid-19 secure extends to our operations on site as well of course and critically also to transport to and from the places that we are working. To properly achieve social distancing we took the decision at the outset that this could only properly be adhered to if we operated to a 1 van, 1 man policy and for this reason we drafted back into service spare vehicles. All of the vehicles have been equipped with water, hand sanitisers, gloves, eyewear, FFP3 masks and bottles of spray disinfectant with which to wipe down any tools or test instruments that may need to be transferred between individuals.
The need for continued vigilance is paramount and we shall be continuing to monitor our systems and processes, adding and amending as we need to.
All of our staff have performed magnificently throughout this national emergency. It is because of their support and input in to what, at times, has been a fast moving and dynamic situation that we have been able to ensure that the high levels of service that our customers have come to expect from us have not been impacted in any way at all.
With the unlocking of the country now underway I would like to express my gratitude to all members of staff, in particular to Steve Myson and Joanne Arnold who have both been at the vanguard of identifying and implementing all of the actions required.
Robert Horn – Managing Director
News Stories
- Its Not Just One Man Busy In December!
- Christmas Cheer
- 21st Anniversary!
- Welcome Mark Baxter
- Overdue Maintenance
- University HV Fault
- Customer Feedback
- Larger Than Your Normal EV’s
- Taking the Biscuit
- Benefits of Furans Testing
- Aftermath of Storm Babet
- Emergency Response to Storm Babet’s Disruption
- Welcoming Samantha Collishaw and Reducing Carbon Footprint
- Ardagh Glass Transformer Replacement
- Considering Voltage Management to Help Cut Bills?
- Graham Haydn-Davies Retirement
- LV Sub-Main Fault
- Cable Joint Failure
- Phil Shaw Retirement
- Directional Drilling
- Pre-Planned Maintenance
- Energy Savings Factsheet
- The Benefits of Carrying Out Planned Preventative Maintenance (PPM)
- EME Transformer Stock Saves the Day!
- Storm Franklyn
- Helping to Mitigate the UK Energy Crisis
- EME Power Systems Helps Company To Join The Recycling Effort
- Christmas Time Switchgear Changes
- Out of Hours Peace of Mind
- EME Power Systems Fast Response for Major Food Manufacture
- Importance of Regular Intrusive Maintenance
- NHS Challenge
- Automated Packaging at Malvern Worcestershire
- Christmas Arrives Early
- Challenge Accepted
- Through these uncertain times...
- Hayley Paddock Joins EME Power Systems
- Challenging Times
- Low Carbon Electricity
- Our excellent installation teams complete essential works
- Fast Response
- Essential Maintenance
- Solution to a tricky transformer replacement
- It's A Cut!
- Infrastructure Upgrade
- EME Power Systems Continue As Normal
- It's Cold Inside
- Double transformer failure leads to double success
- Steve Harrison Joins the Company
- Class Cancelled
- Now For Something Slightly Different
- Go Green and Save Pounds
- Cable Fault Repair
- Time For A Quick Change Around
- Lincoln Prison
- EME Power Systems Renewables
- An Early Summer Break - Out With The Old, In With The New
- EME Power Systems Midweek Break