Taking the Biscuit

23rd May 2024

EME Power Systems have recently been tasked with the replacement of an aged 5 way HV panel comprising of OCB’s and oil filled switches with a new Schneider Genie Evo extensible HV board. The project was undertaken at a well known biscuit factory in London.

With a maximum window of only 72 hours in which to complete the works, a robust plan to deliver the project was formulated, discussed and agreed with the client, thus ensuring that production could recommence and the client’s critical production schedule met.

The cable boxes we compound filled and so our works involved both the burning out of the boxes and the replacement of the cable loops to the local transformers. We also took the opportunity to change the cable boxes at the same time.

The old switchgear removed and the new sited and assembled we reinstated the existing cabling along with the termination of the new. The new auxiliary emergency trip circuits installed and commissioned, the pre calculated protection settings could then be programmed to the protection relays. Following subsequent secondary injection testing we were complete safely ahead of schedule (much to the pleasure of our client).

Following all necessary pre commissioning checks and pressure testing we were able to energise the network and hand control of the system back our client well in advance of the end of 72 hour programme. Our customer taking the opportunity to restart production earlier than they had initially hoped for.

Contracting Engineer James Grigg said:

When a strict time window is given for a shutdown, preparation is the key. We had meticulously planned the works, having numerous spares on site and options for different eventualities. The fact that the works were carried out successfully and well within the deadline, was testament to the hard work of the engineers.